Guys Gone Golfing '24

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Quota Golf Tournament
Score Board

The Golf Quota Game is a scoring system designed to level the playing field in golf matches involving players of different skill levels. In this game, each player starts with a quota of points based on their handicap. Points are earned by achieving certain criteria on each hole, such as hitting fairways, reaching greens in regulation, and making putts. Players accumulate points throughout the round, with the goal of meeting or exceeding their quota. Exceeding the quota earns bonus points. At the end of the round, players compare their scores to their quotas to determine winners. The Golf Quota Game encourages consistency and strategic play while allowing players of varying abilities to compete on an equal footing.

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Bourré is a trick-taking card game popular in Louisiana and other regions. Played with a standard deck of cards, it involves elements of bluffing and strategy. Each player antes into the pot, and the dealer deals five cards to each player. Players bid on the number of tricks they believe they can win. The player with the lowest bid becomes the "bourré" and must win all tricks to avoid paying a penalty. The game proceeds with players playing cards in turn, following suit if possible. The highest card of the led suit wins the trick. The winner of each trick leads the next. The round ends when all tricks are played. Players who meet or exceed their bid receive points, while the bourré and those who fail to meet their bid pay into the pot. The game continues with new deals until a predetermined end point is reached. Bourré requires skill, strategy, and a good poker face to succeed.

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In the golf putting game called "Sarducci," players can call "Sarducci" if their first putt on the green is outside the length of the flagstick. If a player successfully one-putts after calling Sarducci, all other players owe them $1 each. If the player two-putts, it's a push, meaning there is no exchange of money. However, if the player three-putts, they owe each of the other players $1. It's a simple and fun putting game that adds a bit of excitement and friendly competition to the round.